Shared Values — a cause and an action.


African Dream Initiative

African Dream Initiative: Website link

African Dream Initiative: Website link

Mission: African Dream Initiative gives promising but disadvantaged children the resources to become Africa's future leaders. We provide quality education and help them build the skills they need to make their communities places where dreams can come true.

About: The African Dream Initiative is an organization dedicated to transforming the lives of forgotten children in East Africa. ADI finds bright children living on the edges of society-including refugees, AIDS orphans, former child soldiers, abducted girls, child laborers, and other children affected by extreme poverty-provides them with leadership training, counseling, and a support structure of people who care deeply about their well-being; and then sends them to the best private schools in Uganda.With the resources ADI provides, our students are able to succeed against incredible odds. They assimilate, earn top grades, and become leaders among their classmates. Most importantly, ADI's students are empowered to provide for themselves and for others. That's what ADI is focused on: promoting a cycle of success in Africa by training its students to become leaders with the desire and ability to raise up their own communities.

Partner Since: 2016

Founders (year established): Rachel Barish Swartz, Stacy Hock, Clare Karabarinde, Brian Moll, Angela Speakman, Justin Cohen, Jennifer Clark (2013)


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